For over 45 years, Titan has supplied industry with quality parts that customers rely on to get their jobs done safe and efficiently. Titan has grown into the industry leader through the merger of smaller specialized companies including Manco, Alberta Chain, Strongco and the distribution division of Wire Rope Industries.
Renamed Titan Supply in 2002 and with the combined expertise of chain, wire rope and wear product specialists the company was positioned to offer energy, construction and transportation industries with a single source for most replacement parts. In 2006 Titan Supply was acquired by Tuckamore Capital Management Inc.
Renamed Titan Supply in 2002 and with the combined expertise of chain, wire rope and wear product specialists the company was positioned to offer energy, construction and transportation industries with a single source for most replacement parts. In 2006 Titan Supply was acquired by Tuckamore Capital Management Inc.
At Titan we are leading the industry and changing the way you source the parts you need to lift, dig and haul. The changes we're making will help you get your job done faster and more efficiently. It's what we call The Titan Way. We promise to get quotes completed and returned to you in 24 hours for all products we regularly stock.*.
We sell 1000s of different products every year but there are some parts that our customers need every day. At Titan we're committed to ensuring you have the parts you need to get the job done. We're so committed that we guarantee to have the items our customers use the most, in-stock all the time in one of our 4 locations.
Safety is a top priority at Titan. We are committed to providing our customers with parts and products that help them stay safe and compliant. It's no different in our operation. We are dedicated to our own site safety and have various safety accreditations to help stay on top of best practices. It's also important that we stay involved in industry associations that support our own industry and those of our customers.
We know how difficult it can be training team members on how to properly install a new blade or sweeper broom or how to identify a sling that may need to be put out of service. And we know how important it is to keep your rigging certifications on hand at all times. To help our customers trouble-shoot and keep on-top of best practices we've compiled our resources for you to access from our resource library.
Titan is making compliance easier with our new online certification database. Using the serial number on your sling, the test certificate number, or the order number you can access the most recent certificate of compliance from Titan. If you answered yes to the above questions contact us and we'll help locate the certificate for you.