Don't add another plastic bottle to the waste stream when you can turn on your tap for safer, cleaner drinking water with water purification solutions in Alexandria from Comfort Water Treatment Ltd. Providing a range of water treatment services from Ottawa to Cornwall and Morrisburg to Hawkesbury, we sell, install and repair systems for all residential, commercial and agricultural needs.
Comfort Water Treatment serves individuals, manufacturers, distributors and dealers with customized approaches to specific water problems. If your water requires purification, softening, odour removal or any combination of these, our products and services meet or exceed all health codes and industry standards.
Comfort Water Treatment serves individuals, manufacturers, distributors and dealers with customized approaches to specific water problems. If your water requires purification, softening, odour removal or any combination of these, our products and services meet or exceed all health codes and industry standards.
Comfort Water Treatment in Alexandria contributes innovative solutions to the water treatment industry through the long-lasting relationships that we have cultivated. With a strong commitment to quality service for private clients and manufacturers alike, our dependability has earned us many loyal partnerships and enduring friendships.
For 45 years, Comfort Water Treatment has built our very good reputation for expert water purification services in Alexandria. Also serving Ottawa area communities from Morrisburg to Hawkesbury, we guarantee customer satisfaction and peace of mind. No matter your water requirements for domestic, commercial or agricultural use, you want water quality you can trust.
Consumers are becoming increasingly vigilant about water quality and its impact on human health and the environment. Due to increased levels of pollution that affect our surface and ground water, ensuring the water we use every day is free of chemical and biological contaminants is paramount.
In response to the need for water treatment equipment in the Alexandria and Ottawa areas, Comfort Water Treatment will design an individualized system for your home, business or farm.The manufacturers of the equipment we provide guarantee the improved taste, smell, and appearance of your water by removing undesirable chemicals and minerals.
In response to the need for water treatment equipment in the Alexandria and Ottawa areas, Comfort Water Treatment will design an individualized system for your home, business or farm.The manufacturers of the equipment we provide guarantee the improved taste, smell, and appearance of your water by removing undesirable chemicals and minerals.
Many residents of southeastern Ontario pay attention to their water quality since many factors affect that quality in both urban and rural areas. Possible contamination in water wells or from aging pipes can affect the safety, taste and odour of the water you use to drink, cook and wash every day. Naturally high levels of minerals and iron even affect how your water feels and the scaly deposits it leaves.