Driver Verified
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Driver Verified
DriverVerified is a thoughtful platform for professionals in the commercial driving industry that simplifies how they interact with each other. Focus on real work, not paperwork. If you are a driver, owner-operator, company, or insurance broker, DriverVerified is for you! Create your profile today to access powerful, comprehensive reporting, as well as free resumes for vehicle operators.

No need to submit hard copy documents or meet in person. Through the DriverVerified platform, a user, company, or insurance broker can order a report from a driver or company, and they can request any additional information from the driver. Whether you are a driver, owner-operator, trucking company, or insurance broker - your first report is free.
DriverVerified was created to address an ongoing challenge in the trucking industry - drivers lacking documentation of their employment, and the difficulty in sourcing documentation of employment history. With high driver turnover, frequent changes of employment, and the seasonal nature of some positions, it can be easy to lose track of previous employment documentation.
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