Treatments are tailored to the individual and can be used to address multiple concerns simultaneously. Cupping is an applied technique that uses glass or plastic cups as suction devices. Suction is created using a small flame or vacuum pump. Cups are placed on the ski to disperse and break up stagnation and congestion.
Used for thousands of years cupping has gained modern popularity for its use by elite atheletes. The art of combining medicinal substances. Chinese herbalism is a nuanced response to your individual state of health and can be used for a wide range of conditions. Treatments be provided in pill form, as a powder, or as raw herbs to be cooked at home.
Used for thousands of years cupping has gained modern popularity for its use by elite atheletes. The art of combining medicinal substances. Chinese herbalism is a nuanced response to your individual state of health and can be used for a wide range of conditions. Treatments be provided in pill form, as a powder, or as raw herbs to be cooked at home.
In our fast paced world, a poor diet can become the root cause of many preventable ailments. When these dietary patterns are left untreated they often develop into serious health concerns. The system of Chinese nutrition is both a system for healing and disease prevention. The advantage of Chinese nutrition lies in its flexibility in adapting to individual needs, and treating the whole person instead of the disease.
Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat pain conditions, both acute and chronic. It is effective and safe to use as a stand-alone treatment for pain conditions as well as being used in conjunction with Western medical treatments and medications. There is no adverse interactions with acupuncture and pharmaceuticals.