Traveling with Kreos is different. There are no lineups, crowds, security strip-down search, or sharing the plane with others. This is private travel. Private plane. Private lounge. Different experience. Just ask your bags. You drive up to our front door. You step out of your car. You walk into the lounge.
What about social distancing. Most of the time you would have the space to yourself. But on the rare occasions that you need to share, you will have a section of the lounge dedicated just to you and your co-travellers. And not by having little bits of tape of the floor. We can do better than that. In fact, when you travel with Kreos you be so excited that you will want to tell your friends.
What about social distancing. Most of the time you would have the space to yourself. But on the rare occasions that you need to share, you will have a section of the lounge dedicated just to you and your co-travellers. And not by having little bits of tape of the floor. We can do better than that. In fact, when you travel with Kreos you be so excited that you will want to tell your friends.
Charter flights offer peace and quiet in which to work or relax. They can allow you to focus on the job ahead or work with your team while travelling. They can prove to be very economical by eliminating costs associated with delays and inconveniences of regular travel. We regularly arrange flights for executives, field crews, vacationers, small/medium/large business owners and even medical personnel.
During the boarding process, from the time you leave the FBO until the time both crew members are positioned on the flight deck. During the de-boarding process from the time the engines are shut down until inside the FBO. Face mask means any non-medical mask or face covering made of at least two layers of tightly-woven material such as cotton or linen.
Not every little boy gets to wake up and live his dream. My dad, Jim, had airplanes as part of his business. I think airplanes are the coolest thing in the world. They are faster than cars, and they give you the opportunity to ride the wind and soar above the ground. Growing up I got to ride with dad and the pilots.
We have all experienced the dreaded winter trip down to Regina or up to Saskatoon. The winter storms can wreak havoc on Highway 11 and turn it into a skating rink, forcing you to go 60kmph, making the trip a whole lot longer. Take the pressure off yourself to drive, and allow us to help you arrive safely.
Kreos charges an hourly rate based on airtime of the aircraft and the type of aircraft. The hourly rate of the King Air is $2700 and the Citation XL is $4700. This is for the entire aircraft. Aircraft rental is required to be billed to one person/entity. Different fees are added depending on the destination, however its all covered in a transparent quote prior to your departure.