Welcome to Stapfer Financial Planning Group Inc., a leading provider of insurance, estate and tax planning solutions for businesses, individuals and their families. Our role as financial & estate planners is to look at your total financial picture to determine where you are today - and what needs to be done to get you to where you want to be tomorrow.
We work with you in your accumulation stage and during your retirement years. Our process involves the development and proper implementation of a written financial plan, with ongoing advice and consultations to ensure that you always stay on the right track towards your goals. We will work with you and your other professional advisors to maximize and protect your estate - without any sleepless nights!
We work with you in your accumulation stage and during your retirement years. Our process involves the development and proper implementation of a written financial plan, with ongoing advice and consultations to ensure that you always stay on the right track towards your goals. We will work with you and your other professional advisors to maximize and protect your estate - without any sleepless nights!
Each of these components can be developed on their own. However, they are so interdependent we typically encourage you to look at all areas at once. In that way we can make our recommendations for products or services that will stand the test of time and be able to adapt to your changing needs. Our sophisticated planning software allows us to very easily calculate several "what-if" scenarios.
To deliver knowledgeable and trustworthy advice to our clients in an understandable format that empowers them to make appropriate decisions that will move them toward their financial goals and objectives. We will use state of the art planning tools and may refer other professional advisors, to provide the best possible solutions for our clients and prospective clients.
As financial planning professions with accredited designations and memberships, we are bound by various Codes of Ethics and Practices. An Advocis Member shall not disclose any confidential information without expressed consent. An Advocis Member shall disclose any conflict of interest in providing products and services.
Peter Stapfer as principal and Stapfer Financial Planning Group Inc. are licensed for the sale of Life Insurance products as well as Disability Income products in the provinces of Alberta and British Colubia. Prospective clients who are not resident in Canada should consult with their financial planners to determine if these products may be lawfully sold in their jurisdiction.
We work with our clients to attempt to anticipate and plan for both the positives and the negatives of retirement. We can help you take advantage of the opportunities and deal with the challenges. Good retirement planning leads to a successful and satisfying retirement life. Retirement planning is the process that helps you prepare for one of life's biggest changes.
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