In 15 1/2 years more than 22100 daycare providers have advertised their services on DaycareBear. If you operate a Canadian childcare service, register for free to fill all your available openings! Daycare Bear is the main meeting place of Canadian parents and childcare providers (daycare centres, home daycares, dayhomes, babysitters.).
By providing detailed information about available daycare openings / spaces in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa and all around Canada, we help parents find a childcare provider quickly. Select the type(s) of services you\'re interested in. Daycare centre/preschool: Childcare services provided by a for-profit business in a specific facility.
By providing detailed information about available daycare openings / spaces in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa and all around Canada, we help parents find a childcare provider quickly. Select the type(s) of services you\'re interested in. Daycare centre/preschool: Childcare services provided by a for-profit business in a specific facility.
If this is your first visit, you may have to register before you can participate in the forum. Please also note that, even if you already have a DaycareBear member account, you'll need to create a separate forum account as these two types of accounts are distinct from one another; the former are dedicated to daycare providers, to advertise daycare openings on the site, while the latter are mandatory for all to participate in the forum.
Finding an opening in a high quality, yet affordable, daycare environment can be a daunting task. Daycare Bear provides the most advanced search engine dedicated to daycare providers and childcare services to help parents in this endeavour. Daycare Bear aims to become the first stop of parents looking for a short term or long term childcare provider.
If you already registered, please use the form to the right to log into your account. Please note that registration for the Members area is separate from the Forum registration. If you haven't registered yet and if you would like to advertise your childcare services (preschool, daycare centre, family / home daycare, dayhome, babysitter.), you will need to register first!
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