In 1983, Toyota Motor Corporation incorporated Canadian Autoparts Toyota Inc. (CAPTIN). It was the first manufacturing investment by the Japanese automotive industry in Canada and the first Greenfield plant for Toyota in North America. We produce 25 wheel models, past and current, and an annual manufacturing capacity of 0.8 million per year.
As important as what we build, is how we build it, using the Toyota Production System. Starting with melting aluminum ingots, casting, then machining, paint and the final product, TPS enables us to build in quality at every stage of manufacturing. With a diverse workforce in both culture and skill, our Maintenance, Production, Engineering and Admin groups work together to sustain an efficient manufacturing process.
As important as what we build, is how we build it, using the Toyota Production System. Starting with melting aluminum ingots, casting, then machining, paint and the final product, TPS enables us to build in quality at every stage of manufacturing. With a diverse workforce in both culture and skill, our Maintenance, Production, Engineering and Admin groups work together to sustain an efficient manufacturing process.