Mosaic Massage Therapy is one of premier massage therapy Winnipeg clinics conveniently located in St Vital offering a wide range of massage therapy treatments. Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced registered massage therapists (RMT) who are all fully trained and professionally qualified to ensure the highest standards of service because enjoying your massage is paramount.
There are many different styles of massage. The most common is the Swedish massage which incorporates an array of techniques such as deep tissue, cupping, trigger point and relaxation massage to rejuvenate your body and mind. Our Massage Therapy Winnipeg clinic is located in St Vital and we have four relaxation themed treatment rooms with heated beds for your comfort and relaxation.
There are many different styles of massage. The most common is the Swedish massage which incorporates an array of techniques such as deep tissue, cupping, trigger point and relaxation massage to rejuvenate your body and mind. Our Massage Therapy Winnipeg clinic is located in St Vital and we have four relaxation themed treatment rooms with heated beds for your comfort and relaxation.
The mission at Mosaic Massage is ensure that our clients get personalized and specialized assistance to promote health and well-being from our team. The path to a healthy life has many turns and corners and it very complex in a world that is becoming more complex every day. Massage is a powerful health service that can release pain, improve health and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Each massage therapy session is individually customized for you. Every body is unique and will respond differently to different types of massage. All massage types are considered to be therapeutic. At Mosaic Massage Therapy we strive to offer you a calm and relaxing atmosphere. We offer you heated beds, moist heat compresses and soothing music to promote a sense of comfort and well being.
Mosaic Massage offers online appointment booking for it's St Mary's south Winnipeg clinic. To proceed and book an appointment or purchase a gift card you will be asked to set up an account. A credit card will be required to secure your appointment. All credit card data is stored at PCI Level I standard data security (the highest standard out there), so you can rest assured that it's safe.