The conversations I have with clients tell personal stories. Together, we look below the surface to discover where they have been and how they can get to where they want to go. It is the blend of exploring people's thinking, in combination with creative problem solving, that brings forward hope and desired change.
Helping people learn that they have
Raymond Pidzamecky —
My esteemed colleague...I have always described you as GOLDEN. Kudos for your skills and heart.
D., C.Psych., MScCP., are registered psychologists and founding partners of Storrie, Velikonja and Associates, a full-service psychological practice located in Burlington, Ontario. NEW: Watch "Connie's Recovery, " a film detailing the impact of a catastrophic brain injury and one patient's complex recovery.
Dr. Jane Storrie served as Associate Producer
C. C. —
I've had a lot of experience with therapists, psychologists, etc. Dr. B Deryck is by far one of the best, if not the best
Brookside Psychologists is a healthcare group made up of clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, registered psychotherapists, and supervised therapists. We provide treatment and diagnostic testing for a range of conditions. Services are provided for children, teens, adults, and seniors. We help couples and parents.
Personalized client care is what
Dazzle Diva —
I got properly diagnosed for high-functioning autism
We are a small group of registered psychologists, who provide assessment and therapy for adults and couples. We see clients from Burlington, Hamilton, Oakville, Mississauga, Milton, and surrounding areas. Evidence-based therapies are therapies that have been proven to be successful. At Dr. Scapinello & Assoicates, we combine elements from different
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